Resources for Sensitive Solopreneurs

Helping you embrace your sensitivity and create a gentle business that brings meaning to your life

A collection of free and paid resources to support you

I have found that as I learn more about being a highly sensitive woman, it now easier to make decisions with my business. I’ve noticed this with other sensitive solopreneurs as well.

When sensitive women deepen their self-understanding, they become more confident in how they want to grow their business. They begin to accept why certain strategies don’t work for them (and why they never did) and find what does align with their energy.

Being a sensitive person comes with beautiful gifts as well as its challenges. I hope that these resources help you reconnect with yourself and embrace the goodness within you. Trust yourself, you know yourself. ~Angela

(p.s. there are no affiliate links on this page)

Comforting Reads

“If you are a sensitive person, your body and mind respond more to the world around you. You respond to more heartbreak, pain, loss, but you also respond more to beauty, new ideas and joy. You go deep where others only skim the surface. You keep thinking when others have given up and moved on to something else.”

-Sensitive, Jenn Granneman and Andre Sólo

My writings for sensitive solopreneurs

Why I Say No to Lead Magnets and Weekly Newsletters

These two traditional marketing methods haven’t felt good to me as a sensitive woman and also as a creative. Perhaps they haven’t worked for you either. In this writing I also share fresh alternatives to these typical business growth strategies.

How to Trust Yourself When Business is Challenging

I describe a pattern I’ve noticed among sensitive women that I’ve worked with over time and even with other solopreneurs. Through this writing you’re invited to look inwards when business is challenging. I gently guide you through this with types of questions to ask yourself.

What is a Gentle Business? (and why this is more sustainable for solopreneurs)

A gentle business isn’t something to have or chase, but a way of doing business that is kinder to your whole self. In this writing, I describe what a gentle business is like and what makes it more sustainable for solopreneurs.

Discoverability vs. Social Media

Discoverability is a an alternative approach to social media; where you focus more on long-term searchable content. Such as blogging, Pinterest and even YouTube. The intention is to create content for people that are specifically looking for what you’re sharing. This is an area of focus for me this year. I’m finding it a lot gentler on my nervous system and refreshing.

If you would like to learn more:

Choosing Not to Sell Your Feminine Soul on Social Media

Belinda Marie is a lovely human, her business is Soul and Self. I believe this was one of the first blog posts I saw of hers on Pinterest. I absolutely love Belinda’s work and even took her Feminine Business Bundle to get me started on creating searchable content. Belinda’s feminine essence work is also beautifully supportive for highly sensitive women.

Discoverability: A Calm Alternative to the Demands of Social Media Marketing

Danielle Gardner’s book opened my eyes to a whole new world of marketing: disoverability. I love Danielle’s perspective on honoring our human design and natural energy. Danielle’s Foundations course was comforting and helpful. Danielle also has a YouTube Channel . I appreciate Danielle’s gentle way of talking about business feeling good in the body.

Social Media is all fun and games until somebody… realizes they’re sharecropping

Regina Anaejionu shares incredible insight and nuance into the issues with marketing on social media. Regina provides a lot of context around the realities of social media and the lifespan of posts on different platforms. Seeing the numbers within an intersectional perspective made me reflect deeply. Grateful for Regina’s time and energy to provide this valuable information.

Email Template Collection

For Effective Client Communication

One big learning in my solopreneur years: how important it is to proactively communicate boundaries, details and information with clients. Being clear about boundaries and expectations up front can prevent a lot of issues later.

From my systems strategist work, I discovered the beauty of email templates that span the client experience from inquiry to offboarding. As a sensitive woman, I’ve struggled at times to state my boundaries in written form. With email templates I can have them already thoughtfully and gently pre-written.

The other wonderful part is that email templates can be reused, repurposed and even automated (if you have software that does that). All of which can help protect your energy and help nurture your client relationships.

Note: this collection is in collaboration with a fellow solopreneur, Ashlee Sang.

Trust yourself, you know yourself.