Guiding sensitive solopreneurs in creating a gentle business that is sustainable and supports a fulfilling life.

A woman, that's Angela, is smiling in front of a tree at a nature park.

Hello, I’m Angela.

I’m glad you’re here. I like to imagine we are meeting over a cozy cup of tea, or maybe even a delicious treat. Simply enjoying the moment and getting to know each other.

This is how I envision being with you in this online space—feeling connected through words and ideas, sharing thoughts and quiet conversations.

A welcoming and supportive place where you are accepted in your journey as a solopreneur and a beautifully sensitive woman.

The Heart and Soul of my Creativity

the why behind it all

Angela Ellison Creative was created with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by sensitive solopreneurs and creative women. As a sensitive entrepreneur, I have experienced the challenges of navigating the business world while staying true to my authentic self. The desire to create a supportive space and offer personalized guidance, led me to this fresh beginning of my business.

I officially started my business in 2021, after making the hard choice to step away from my teaching career. My solopreneur path has felt messy as I am interested in many things. Over the years, I’ve offered Instagram marketing support, social media management, custom marketing materials and Dubsado software setups.

All of this experience has given me insight on the foundations needed for business growth. I’ve also learned that there are many possibilities for making business sustainable for solopreneurs.

Working closely with creative women in various roles, I noticed a common trait among many of them: they were highly sensitive and had tender hearts. These natural gifts allowed them to form deep connections with their clients and express themselves profoundly through their art. However, despite these strengths, I noticed that many struggled with self-trust.

Many of these women experienced burnout and felt insecure about their skills and capabilities. Some constantly invested to fix things within their business, while others felt directionless or lost. Although they enjoyed their work, they felt friction with the types of services they were offering.

What I’ve found is that discerning between essential business growth strategies and sustainable practices as a solopreneur can be incredibly difficult. Much of the advice in the online business world emphasizes certain must-dos, and we often feel pressured to follow the norms of our industries. As sensitive solopreneurs, we process information with great emotional depth. This heightened awareness can be both a gift and a challenge, as we're easily influenced by our emotions (and those of others) despite our perceptiveness.

This is why my work, offerings and resources are centered around this message: trust yourself, you know yourself. An invitation to come back to yourself, expand your knowledge of business foundations and explore what feels good with your creativity. Supporting you in creating a sustainable, gentle business and a fulfilling life.


“Angela is lovely to work with! She is vibrant, sincere and generous, with a wonderful ability to be clear-headed and work through any 'sticky points' in a process calmly and logically.”

— Estelle H., Copywriter

What you’ll find here

Blog — writings from my heart to support your solopreneur journey, guidance on creating a gentle business, sharing knowledge of business foundations, and honoring your creativity and sensitivity.

Work With Me — 1:1 thought partnerships available for exploring how you want to grow your business that aligns with your energy, sensitivity and creativity. Thought partnerships begin for all kinds of reasons and are different for each solopreneur. More details are on my services page.

Sustainability — Learn more about my commitment to a sustainable future for humanity and the planet. I deeply care about everyone having the opportunity to have a thriving and fulfilling life. I also explain more about my ethical values that guide my work: reciprocity, stewardship, consciousness and accessibility.

Resources for Sensitive Solopreneurs — A collection of free and paid resources to support sensitive solopreneurs. Intentionally curated to help sensitive women reconnect with themselves, build self-trust and permission to do things differently in their business.

Let’s (Quietly) Connect — You are invited to join my Substack email list for encouragement, updates and thoughtful writings.

Because we are humans first…

Here are some layers of myself


✽ I was born and raised in Oregon & love the Pacific Northwest
✽ Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Rising & Pisces Moon
✽ 5/2 Manifesting Generator
✽ My “children” are two sweet boy cats
✽ Photography is one of my passions & how I meditate with nature
✽ I love spending hours in the garden
✽ I’m enchanted by the concept of fractals, like the way veins look in a spinach leaf look like arteries or tributaries in a river. A reminder of how everything is interconnected.
✽ I believe we all deserve time to connect with ourselves, the earth and each other.

 Trust yourself, you know yourself.