Choosing to Follow Your Natural Phases and Cycles Instead of Hustling

June 5, 2024

Blog post title is over a photograph of a woman walking on the beach during golden hour, with her dress blowing in the wind.

Sometimes the pace of entrepreneurship can feel relentless, along with the expectations we place upon ourselves. All of it can become a massive weight at times. We think we have to be constantly on, every offering completely perfect and spreading ourselves everywhere in order to be noticed. For us sensitive solopreneurs, these external demands which we internalize ever so deeply, can be incredibly exhausting.

What if, instead of forcing ourselves to keep up with everyone else, we embraced a more natural approach to business?

What if we worked in harmony with the seasons and cycles of our inner selves and the earth, allowing our businesses to grow organically and sustainably? 

This is the essence of working in seasons and cycles—a fresh perspective that respects our individual energy levels and the natural ebb and flow of life.


Within my own network of solopreneur friends and clients, I have seen how easy it is to fall for these unrealistic business pressures and burnout later. Such as spending months creating digital course offerings – only to be emotionally drained from the development process and not have the energy left to do the marketing.

It’s important to recognize that not everything has to be done right away. Allowing space and time for ideas and projects to evolve can lead to more thoughtful and impactful results. To breathe and unfold.

When we shift our focus from pressure and perfection to gradual progress, we can reduce the stress associated with trying to do it all at once. For sensitive solopreneurs, working in phases can make each day more manageable and enjoyable.


Seasons Within You

Sensitive solopreneurs often experience fluctuations in their energy levels, influenced by various factors such as personal health, environmental changes, and emotional well-being. We are always absorbing information around us.

During periods of higher energy, you can take on more ambitious tasks, experiment with new ideas, and engage in activities that require significant focus and creativity. These higher-energy phases may be ideal for launching new projects, expanding your offerings, and reaching out to potential clients or collaborators.

In low-energy periods, you can slow down as it feels supportive to you. This might be a time for maintenance tasks, reflection, planning, and self-care. Or, even a time of quiet creativity. Aligning your business activities with your natural rhythms can create a harmonious flow with your well-being and gentle business growth.


Natural Seasons and Cycles of the Earth

Flexibility in your offerings can help you adapt to the natural cycles of your business and personal energy. Instead of maintaining a static set of services or products throughout the year, consider adjusting your offerings based on the season. This is particularly helpful for sensitive souls that are also multi-passionate.

For example, you might offer different types of services at different times of the year. During the spring and summer months, when people are generally more active and engaged, you could focus on more 1-to-1 services or workshops. In the fall and winter, when there's often a natural inclination to slow down and reflect, you could offer more introspective services, such as planning sessions or self-paced courses or digital products.

By varying your offerings, you can create a responsive and gentle business model that adapts to your natural needs and those of your clients.

Additionally, this flexibility gives space for experimenting with new ideas and services without the pressure of a full-scale launch. You can introduce new offerings in an experimental way, gather feedback and make adjustments. 

You can create a business ecosystem that is resilient and responsive to your professional and personal life.


Internal and External Phases 

Instead of launching or doing everything at once, you can break down your goals and ideas into manageable phases. In doing so, this helps your attention be on one aspect of your business at a time, ensuring that each area receives the attention and refinement it deserves.

Working in phases means you can introduce new marketing strategies one at a time, giving each the focus needed to see what works best for you and your business. Instead of trying to master social media, email marketing, content creation, and networking all at once, you can dedicate specific periods to each strategy. This helps to build strong business foundations without overwhelming yourself.

As I write this, I am currently focused on building my own marketing foundations. My priority in this phase is to create several pieces of long-form content, like this blog post. When I complete a group of six blogs, then I make multiple Pins for Pinterest. I create content as my energy naturally works and based on what’s happening in my life. In late May, I decided to add on Substack as a way to share my writing and connect with other creatives. I’m curious to see what resonates. 

Sometimes I wish I was further along in the big goals I have, but I also know that this is where I’m supposed to be. When we honor our natural energy, we open ourselves to acceptance. This lightness that says “this is where I am for now and what is meant for me at this time.”

Phases can also be helpful in developing a core offering for your business. You may decide to create the first layer of this offering and then promote it within your community. Then as you engage with your clients and customers, you can add on more in response to what excites them. In the long-term, you may even gradually add on complementary services or products. 


Embracing the seasons and cycles within ourselves and in nature offers sensitive solopreneurs a compassionate way to grow their businesses. When you lean into what you know about yourself, you can trust yourself with the next steps. This is a central part in creating a gentle business that honors your nervous system, sensitive soul and creative heart. 

If you're a sensitive solopreneur looking for support in creating a business that thrives in harmony with your natural rhythms, I invite you to join me in a thought partnership. Together, we can explore sustainable strategies, personalized marketing approaches, and flexible offerings that align with your unique energy. Learn more via my website or feel free to schedule a coffee/tea chat so we can connect.



Hello and welcome. I’m Angela.

I support sensitive women solopreneurs as a thought partner, drawing on 10 years of experience as a public educator. I believe a sustainable business thrives when aligned with your natural rhythms and energy, allowing for a fulfilling life and time to create. My writings blend practical strategies with empathetic support. If you seek a business that honors your sensitivity, values, and quality of life, you’re in the right place. I am glad you are here.


Why It’s Empowering to Listen to Your Inner Wisdom (the art of discernment for sensitive souls in business)


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