A cup of tea with two lemon halves floating on top. Cup of tea is on a cozy sweater next to vintage books.

Helping you create a gentle business that is sustainable, nurtures your creativity and sensitive heart.

A calming space for sensitive solopreneurs

Angela, that's me, has a floral blouse and is smiling at a nature park. She has red hair, white skin, green eyes and glasses. Angela is a sensitive solopreneur.

Hey, I’m Angela

This corner of the internet is a comforting place for sensitive solopreneurs and creative women. I created this online space after noticing the impacts of traditional business practices among these tender hearted women. I have seen how their self-trust has eroded over time from trying to fit into the typical molds of business — leading to burnout and feeling friction within their sensitive souls.

While also being a sensitive solopreneur, I have been faced with similar challenges in my entrepreneur journey. I have experimented with different business growth strategies. Some of those were beneficial and others left me questioning my own worth and value.

Why do these strategies work for many people but not for me? This is something I have wondered about over the years.

Through these experiences, I have found that being a sensitive woman in business can be fulfilling and empowering. This is possible by deepening into knowledge of your sensitive nature, exploring the different business options and listening to your inner wisdom. You can create a gentle business ecosystem that is supportive to your authentic self and the life you desire.

Current Collaborative Opportunities

1:1 Sessions

Thought Partnerships

Imagine a business ecosystem that adapts naturally with your energy levels and the changing seasons. What does a sustainable and nourishing business feel like in your body, mind, heart and spirit?

These are the layers we can uncover in a partnership, centered around a holistic perspective of your business and the life you envision.

Within a thought partnership session, we’ll establish an understanding of your unique needs, rhythms and natural sensitivity. We’ll discover marketing strategies that feel authentic to you, streamline your operational processes, and develop offerings that align with your values. It’s about creating a business that thrives in harmony with who you are.

You’ll come way with self-assurance and insight to build your gentle business, with guidance and 30 days support post-session, Together, we’ll ensure your business grows in a way that supports your sensitive heart and adds meaningful value to your life.

A woman is holding a mug, smiling and looking at her laptop.

“The feedback Angela gave, as well as the templates and organized ideas, are so helpful! I was able to apply some of them immediately, which left me feeling excited and empowered.”

— Dr. Emily B., Eco-Educator

Writings From My Heart

In this blog, written just for you, you will find more than a collection of posts; it’s a living, breathing space where we have conversations about solopreneurship from a deeply sensitive and holistic perspective.

The world places unrealistic expectations on us, often demanding more than our sensitive souls can bear. This can leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from our true selves. In this blog, we acknowledge these pressures and ways to navigate them with grace and compassion.

You’re invited to pour a cup your favorite tea (or what is nourishing to you) and browse writings where your sensitivity is celebrated, accepted and your entrepreneurial spirit is cherished.

Trust yourself, you know yourself.