Angela Ellison

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Why It’s Empowering to Listen to Your Inner Wisdom (the art of discernment for sensitive souls in business)

August 22, 2024

The warmth of the summer sun makes your skin glisten from the heat, while gently beating on your back. As you breathe in deeply, you smell a hint of sweetness in the air. This makes you smile as you gaze at plentiful ripe berries on the vines nearby. You find a spot where the berries are easy to reach. 

You examine each berry carefully, ensuring that they are the color and plumpness you’re desiring. You continue on with this, noticing which berries are ripe and passing by the ones that you don’t want. Some are beautifully dark and juicy, while others are slightly red, and not as full yet. You follow your natural instincts and knowledge to collect the berries that are ready to be harvested. Soon, your basket is satisfyingly full. 


Just as you examined each berry with care, discernment involves the skill of carefully evaluating options and making wise choices. Like differentiating between ripe and unripe berries based on their color, plumpness, and scent, discernment involves recognizing subtle signs in decision-making. It requires us to determine whether a decision or opportunity is ready to be taken or still needs time to mature.

Your natural instincts guided you, while selecting the ripest berries, drawing upon your past experiences and knowledge of what to look for. Similarly, discernment often involves tapping into our intuition and drawing upon the wisdom gained from previous experiences. Trusting yourself.


Why Discernment is Important

Being able to discern is like having a filter so that we know what is ours and what belongs to another. It’s about knowing when to pass by something that isn't quite right. Like leaving behind the underdeveloped berries, discernment sometimes means saying no – even if it looks tempting at first glance.

What is yours to carry emotionally (and even practically)? 

What IS meant for you and what is NOT meant for you? 

Discernment, often intertwined with spirituality, holds a significant place in religious conversations. It's been known as the process of seeking divine guidance to make choices that align with one's beliefs and values. In religious perspectives, discernment is seen as a way to connect with the inner spiritual self, to listen to the voice of God, or the will of a higher power.

However, it's important to note that someone doesn't have to be religious or spiritual to access their inner wisdom or essence. Regardless of belief systems, everyone has an intuition and inner knowing that can guide them with making decisions that are in harmony with their true selves.

For sensitive women solopreneurs, the reality of balancing business decisions with external pressures can pull them away from their inner guidance. They may find themselves caught up in a cycle of comparison, people-pleasing, focusing on metrics and societal standards – rather than listening to their own intuition and wisdom. 

When sensitive souls absorb the energies of the physical world they begin to believe in messages like this:

“I know I have to invest in order to grow my business…”

“I'm not successful unless I have a large following or reach a certain income level." 

“I should prioritize growth, even if it means sacrificing my well-being.”

“I have to give my clients extra deliverables so they can give me a good review.”

“I should say yes to every opportunity that comes my way…”

There are many other limiting beliefs, of course, that sensitive women internalize. This pressure to "do it all" and meet unrealistic expectations can further disconnect sensitive women from their inner selves; that beautiful deep essence of who they ar


Practicing Discernment, Creating Peace Within Yourself

Listening to Your Body

Listening to your body is one of the most effective ways to cultivate discernment. Our bodies often send us signals when something isn't in harmony with our true selves. Whether it's a subtle feeling of tension in the gut or a sense of lightness and ease, paying attention to these physical cues can provide valuable insight into what is meant for us and what isn't.

As Dani Gardner says, “There is wisdom in the body.” Yes indeed.

Invite Yourself Into the Conversation

From my own experience, I have found it is helpful to treat the unknown as though I can talk with it. This how I’ve recently figured out next steps for my business with marketing. Such as, what platforms I prefer and the ones that no longer work for me. It’s how I ended up Substack and why I’m moving away from Instagram. I crave depth and genuine connections — and not cranking out content. Truths that have come from being honest with myself.

When we talk ourselves through something, it allows us to filter all the messages and ideas bombarding our minds. Being in conversation also gives us a sense of control, which can be much needed when we’re overwhelmed. 

It’s like looking at all the berries on the vines and figuring out what will fit into your basket. Though it’s subtle, you talk yourself through this process. Then as you pick the berries you determine what actually goes into your basket. Trust yourself, you know yourself.


As you journey through your business and life, remember that discernment takes patience, intuition, and the wisdom to know what is right for you. You can calmly navigate the abundance of choices and opportunities by listening to your body, engaging in meaningful self-conversations, and staying true to your inner essence. 

This practice not only helps you make decisions that align with your values but also cultivates a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment. Trust in your natural instincts and know that, just like those deliciously ripe berries, the right opportunities will come to you in their own time.


If this resonates with you in some way, feel free to share in the comments.

You are also invited to subscribe to my Substack community for sensitive solopreneurs.

Hello and welcome. I’m Angela.

I support sensitive women solopreneurs as a thought partner, drawing on 10 years of experience as a public educator. I believe a sustainable business thrives when aligned with your natural rhythms and energy, allowing for a fulfilling life and time to create. My writings blend practical strategies with empathetic support. If you seek a business that honors your sensitivity, values, and quality of life, you’re in the right place. I am glad you are here.