Angela Ellison

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The Cost of Business Growth and Hidden Realities

March 24, 2024

Many conversations about business growth tend to leave out one important part: this is your life too. There is an emphasis on strategies, networking, cross-platform marketing, email list building, increasing sales calls… and more. While there is nothing wrong with these growth activities, each of them requires energy, time and commitment. 

The realities of creating social media content is rarely spoken about; how it fizzles out usually after 24 hours. Or, how much energy it requires to maintain an online presence. What about the hours involved to keep this going?

Networking is encouraged in the online entrepreneur space. It is good to get connected and meet fellow business owners. Yet, these meetings do take up time and it’s easy to add these types of events to the calendar. Then not realize how it may feel until later (speaking from personal experience here). 

Various tools are recommended for better efficiency and organization. Such as HoneyBook, ClickUp, Airtable, Dubsado, Trello etc… These tools can certainly help make business more manageable as a solopreneur. However, these software programs can take a significant amount of time to learn.


The time and energy involved in these business growth practices may be beneficial. Yet, these minutes and hours are also the moments of our lives. When we give our attention to something, it means we are giving up something else. 

This doesn’t mean every time we focus on our businesses that it will have a negative consequence. There are seasons when we have more to do and it does take work to grow a business over time. Being an entrepreneur is also a form of self-expression and contribution.

It’s about noticing what is actually meaningful to us and what kind of lives we want to live. Recognizing that we started on this entrepreneur path for a bigger purpose; not to replicate the 9-5 corporate world. Many of us started because we saw a possibility for what life could be. A hope of a gentle and softer way of living.


Over the last few months, I’ve come to terms with how I want to live my life and grow my business. I have finally accepted that some business growth practices are simply not for me. 

Such as relying mainly on social media and creating content for a “cold audience.” While I’ve had some success in this area, it is not fulfilling nor sustainable in the long term. I want to put more energy into content that is discoverable by solopreneurs that will naturally connect to what I’m sharing. 

Instead of directing potential clients to scheduling a discovery call – I offer a coffee/tea chat as an optional way to connect. Within my service page I provide all the information for my current offering and an offer explainer video. If a solopreneur would like to begin a thought partnership, they can book a session right from my page. This gives my potential clients and myself an ease of connection that feels comfortable. 

While 2023 was my big year of saying “yes” to all kinds of things, I’m learning how incredibly beautiful and restorative it is to also say No.

I have stopped adding certain kinds of meetings to my schedule, freeing up more time for creativity. I am currently on a long social media break. I have realized how much all of that is overstimulating to me and adds stress to my body. It has also impacted my relationship with my husband at times. When I’m stretched too thin, I miss out on moments that could be cherished. That’s not how I want to live my life.


As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves immersed in the hustle and bustle of business growth, striving to check off every box on the to-do list and expand our reach in every way possible. However, it’s important to remember: this is your life too.

The countless hours spent crafting social media content, attending networking events, and mastering new software platforms can easily consume our time and energy, leaving little room for the moments that truly matter. It's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of growth without pausing to consider the affects on our well-being and relationships.

From my own journey, I've come to realize the importance of aligning my business practices with my personal values and priorities. While certain growth strategies may create short-term success, they may ultimately detract from my overall sense of fulfillment. Instead, I've chosen to prioritize connection over conversion, choosing more meaningful conversations over sales calls and genuine relationships over superficial metrics.

By embracing a more intentional approach to business growth, I've discovered the power of (quietly) saying no—to opportunities that don't align with my vision, to meetings that drain my energy, and to social media platforms that overwhelm me. In doing so, I've reclaimed precious moments for creativity, self-care, and cherished experiences with loved ones.

The journey of entrepreneurship is not just about building a successful business—it's about crafting a life that reflects our deepest values and aspirations. 


Hello and welcome. I’m Angela.

I support sensitive women solopreneurs as a thought partner, drawing on 10 years of experience as a public educator. I believe a sustainable business thrives when aligned with your natural rhythms and energy, allowing for a fulfilling life and time to create. My writings blend practical strategies with empathetic support. If you seek a business that honors your sensitivity, values, and quality of life, you’re in the right place. I am glad you are here.